If you lead a stressful life, this could be the most important message you ever read.
If you’re experiencing too much stress in your life from your job, family or social life,
you can get rid of it for good without taking any pills or medications.
And it won’t take months for you to notice the difference – more like a few minutes.
Imagine going to stressful business meetings and staying cool, calm, and collected.
Or if there’s too much arguing going on at home, imagine it all just vanishing.
Stay tune for about a minute and I’ll prove this secret works – and it WILL work for you too.
When you perceive stress in your life, whether it’s an audit from the tax department or dealing with road rage, your
nervous system reacts immediately to a perceived threat.
Your blood pressure goes up, your heart beats faster, and you start to breathe more rapidly.
All of this happens in a few seconds and you may stay this way for a while.
In addition, you’ve probably seen the infomercials that cortisol rates go up when you are stressed. It’s true. Cortisol may cause stressed related eating as well.
There are nearly a dozen physical effects of stress including insomnia, fatigue, and lower productivity.
But all of these are easily erased when you pick up the phone and arrange for a one on one yoga session with me.
If you think you need to be in perfect shape to do yoga, you’re dead wrong. Any one of any age and in any physical condition can do yoga.
Forget the misconceptions; yoga will work to eliminate your stress. And it will be gone in minutes.
And with regular sessions, it will stay away permanently.
If you are ready for a stress free life, call me.
You don’t need to be in any particular shape or condition to do yoga. Your session will be a fun and effective way to eliminate stress.
Yoga will also slow down the effects of aging and can increase your strength, flexibility, and muscle mass.
You’ll increase your energy, stamina, over all health, and may even lose a bunch of weight in the process.
But the bottom line is, you’ll zap away your stress.
Pick up the phone and call me at 409-727-3177
From Uriankhai to Yak Festivals
At the end of Peace Corps training in 2008 Alta and I exchanged small
gifts. I gave her a little bracelet with a heart on it that a friend had
given me and...
9 years ago