So I received my Lululemon
360 round yoga mat this weekend.
I reviewed and did Jennifer Wolfe's Prenatal Vinyasa
Yoga Short Forms DVD, using the round yoga mat. I did the 15 minute option. I found that when we did the down dog, then bringing the thumbs together, then bring the foot to the outside of the hands, of course there is more room on the
yoga mat to do this. That was nice.
Now, I'm 5 foot 10 inches, so rather long legs and torso. This mat for me is not long enough. My little tootsies are off the mat, when we go into extended childs pose, and I have a wobbly knee, so I need a bit more thickness. I typically use a towel, under the one knee, but for me, that is a bit hard to manage on the round mat. I don't know why.
So last night I took it to my Christian
Yoga class. We typically set up in the "Great Room" (basketball court type of room, concrete), and I'm in the middle. Wow, now that worked out well for me to teach to the whole room. I was able to seamlessly move about on my mat, and eventually "work" the entire room in this circle format.
I took the round mat to my class today, and this is set up to where there is a raised area, where the instructor teaches from, and uses a microphone. I decided to try to get the folks to let me be in the center, which is not the typically the way that this crowd is used to. I wanted the top ends of the mat to face the circle (like petals on the flower), but one wanted to be in the same direction as, I as she has to see what I'm doing, and apparently cannot hear me, even with the microphone. So, that is something for me to absorb and use in change the manner in which I teach.
Next time I'll use the round mat, on the raised platform, and see how it works. I'd love a BIGGER round mat, and thicker, but I can't pay that high price to get to that level (unless y'all want me to review a BIGGER Thicker mat!)
Round Mat, I think is good for teachers!!