Prenatal Yoga Testimonies
What some of my Prenatal clients have said about the Yoga that I teach....
From Amy, a prenatal student.
"I did thoroughly enjoy your prenatal yoga classes--the physical activity was wonderful. Also, I truly enjoyed the community of pregnant women in tune with our bodies and so positive and hopeful about the tiny bodies, minds and spirits of the babies in our tummies. Attending your classes made the L&D (Labor and Delivery) of my second baby even easier and smoother than that of our first baby."
From Cryss, a prenatal student.
"I love your yoga class. Being pregnant I am worried about popping my back like I used to and the weekly yoga classes help relieve the stress in my mid and lower back. I feel more relaxed after doing yoga, it is so wonderful I almost fall asleep at the end of the class. The meditation portion helps me learn to focus my mind on things that are not the present. It has helped me learn to cope with stress and breathe instead of getting so frustrated! Anyways, love it and would recommend it to anyone!"
From Lynn, a prenatal client.
"I used the various yoga postures that Gail taught us in class, to help manage the contractions. I had to be induced, and was able to walk around, sit on the birth ball, and use my Yoga breath, to ease the severity of my contractions. I didn't need to use any narcotics or pain relief. My pelvis was so opened up, that she came out after 4 pushes! After the birth of my baby, the nurses were so surprised how quickly I recovered. I was ready to go home that day! This was my smallest baby of 8 pounds and 4 ounces."